Every city and town has those who are less fortunate than others and also those who have been reduced to begging for money. While in Lui for the Consecration of Bishop Stevan, Ezekiel and I, along with a couple other priests went to go explore the town and see the market. While in the market for the first time, a man came up to me and extended his hand. I was under the impression he was attempting to greet me so I shook his hand. Afterwards, I turned away and continued with roaming the market with the others. I noticed he was still following me, and continued to extend his hand every time he caught up with me. It was then that Ezekiel told me this man was begging for money.
The following day after the rehearsal of the consecration, Ezekiel and I, along with the same group of people, went to see the market again. The man who was begging me for money the previous day was now following us again and asked one of the priest, for one pound. In Southern Sudan the money system goes by pounds, one pound is the equivalent of about $0.25 in America money. When we left the man, one of the priest told us about a man the community nicked-named “One Pound” in Yambio.
He told us that in Yambio there is this man who begs more money, but more specifically he begs for one pound. He goes up the priest there and says, “Father, I need one pound.” When they give him one pound he is just ecstatic- comparable to a young child who just their favorite toy. However, when people give him more than one pound he refuses to take it. He says, “Oh no, no no. My friend I only need one pound.” What is an absolute riot about this fellow is if you give him a 5 pound bill he will reach into his pocket and give you 4 pounds back. This man is serious when he says he wants only one pound.